Sigean African Reserve Chronicle of a Death Foretold socialist.
"never lie so much as before an election, during war and after a hunt" (Otto von Bismark)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Vertical Versus Hotizontal Directions
I read on Facebook the appropriate sentence to a good friend. The suitability of reflection could not be higher. Indeed, in elections to the Parliament of Catalonia lied yesterday, and believe me, not much more than any other polls. The parties lied to his proposals, not varying in essence, lied
during elections (polite little information filtering) and, finally, are lying in their references to the value of the "prey collected." Resisting to think in a glass not half full or half empty, Catalonia represented today in the Parliament (not just the really existing) is a vase with water and one more crack.
- CiU won the election comfortably. His victory is unquestionable. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe capital has hammered PSC (party in government, both regional and local), Badalona has exceeded the Socialists as well and in Hospitalet, without the results of the PSOE (not both the PSC, at least in order of vote), has approached the results of CiU, something totally unheard of and unthinkable in normal circumstances. Nobody comes to mistakes, the metropolitan belt is today more nationalistic, nor more sovereign, just, or abstained (figures concern in large cities) or simply condemned the socialist work, both in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. More should take into account "the cross" of its outcome, and not believing in a predominantly nationalist Catalonia in Catalonia as well as manifestly contrary to democratic experiments such as the Tripartite.
- The PSC has received a "huevazo." Beyond condemned the act, an owner can never succinctly summarize what happened in the street Nicaragua. A PSC "bourgeois men" has seen his time expired. The "Pro Catalan nationalist party of some sectors will be exceeded by reality. The speech of the next candidate, as happened to the PP (more "forms" that "in the background") should be more like positions taken by C's. The electorate has fallen from over metropolitan bewilderments, the PSC should work in the "Reconquista election." Urge new blood.
- The PP has been the big winner in relative terms. True success is due more to a waste of all proportion to their electoral previous parliamentary representation (and even with it), a bad Montilla government management and wear every day more evident, the Government of ZP. It was, in no small measure, the triumph of a "white label" C's, the party has copied much of his new address (with the exception of the economic and social). As in the case of PX, the PP has brought electoral revenue from immigration.
- ICV has been confirmed as the party with a loyal electorate. Any decline in voting is temporary. It is without doubt one of the parties has largely defended their "essence", not step by agreeing to novel experiments. You look where you look, the moderate decline is a manifestation of not only have eroded the Tripartite CiU won. It's the match-flag could have been a third tripartite.
- ERC has been the big loser. True fagotizado CiU has much of its electorate, but the fact remains that have made "major bleeding" small populist parties Laporta and Carter. Although inappropriate and insulting speeches by their leaders (see Puigcercós against Andalusia), ERC has released an outcome far worse than it deserved. It has always been the "responsible independence (although the term itself is a contradiction), now faces a difficult stage.
- Laporta has come to Parliament giving an example of how "Berlusconi methods" can be extrapolated to Spain (populism, corruption, sex and baths, champagne, cava not always). His radical discourse, without further election program to propose a possible independence, has become popular among radical minds. The electoral system based on the d'Hondt system has given his party more seats than C's, even with fewer votes. In a fair, Laporta possibly would not have left or would have had far less representation in Parliament.
- C's is the party on that, not only by sympathy may be more reflections. To suggest a sentence-short, it could be "C's has become the safe." The party, not just anti-nationalist, has achieved the results that any of its officers had been signed only recently. Despite continued attacks by the media, and with a campaign, the only really austere, C's has consolidated in the Parliament, getting a number of votes that far exceeds those obtained in the previous occasion (most notably "the rest of Catalonia" and not just in the metropolitan area). C's has achieved great results in places like the Aran Valley and La Seu d'Urgell. Ciutadans has managed to become the first parliamentary force less, which is resistant to a second parliamentary election. Stresses, and not a little, the entry on the floor of a man's political stature, and intellectual, Jordi Cañas. Pesa, and much, unfair no Villegas, real ideologue of the "successful citizen." In addition to drawing fewer votes than Carmen de Mairena, UPyD, almost certainly, has managed to remove a seat to C's, Robles sleep easier as far as this is concerned.
* The most famous promotional video Laporta ...
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