Strabo wrote that once a squirrel was able to cross Spain from the Pyrenees to Gibraltar , without getting out of a tree. It is well known that the Greek writer was not too most rigorous in their descriptions (and, indeed, has not been preserved text which make such a claim, and legendary), but the appearance of Iberia must have at that time very different from today. Clearly, as we see even in certain natural areas scattered across our geography, the Mediterranean native forest is not characterized by its thickness nor enjoy trees great height, but rather the opposite, having a rich undergrowth and trees
composed predominantly oaks, oaks and junipers ... therefore somewhat difficult due to have a squirrel in any of the recent eras.

The forest Mediterranean (not to be confused with the beech forests in some parts of northern Spain, heirs of the past, and cousins \u200b\u200bof the great forests of central Europe), has steadily retreated over the centuries. In a forest where he lived the uro (direct ancestor of the bull), the bear or the wolf, there has been a geography composed of remnants of more or less extension, that, despite everything, still placing Spain as green lung "civilized" West. Man's interaction with the environment, made this half Iberian privileged , serve as background for the construction of great powers and empires: Rome, al-Andalus Corona or Hispanic. However, either by the clearing of large tracts of forest, or by indiscriminate logging (not only in episodes such as the construction of "Invincible"), the surface of our native trees was reduced towards our own progress as a state. At this point, you ask what is the reason for this reflection.
Despite global awareness of the environment, the successful initiatives for the conservation much of animal and plant species more features or enhancements, in cases such as English, surface forested in recent years in developing countries the destruction of nature remains a reality. We all come to mind the case of Brazil, power pop par excellence, and destruction, increasing the Amazon jungle, but not the only case.
in Indonesia is the second largest island Big World, Borneo. Until recently it was the real Eden, a world full of enigmatic species and large virgin forests. Kingdom Orangutan, Borneo has some of the ecosystem
incredible tracks around the globe. Rhinos, gibbons , nasica (a curious, even comical proboscis monkey species) ... the number of threatened species that inhabit this "Garden of Eden" is fascinating. However, the economic boom of the overcrowded Indonesia is endangering this piece of Heaven on Earth.

's dictatorship Suharto and the high rate of internal corruption were not the only enemies of the rainforest. As quasi anywhere else in the world, the major international economies have put their tentacles towards obtaining a business' good, nice and cheap. " Gardens America, Europe, and especially Japan, look pretty wild wood furnishings, the same raw material used for luxury finishes in many cars. The hypocrisy of our consumption comes even to the antipodes.
However, the rush of the timber "has been joined by more and more dangerous the "fever biodiesel." As in Madagascar or Brazil itself, Borneo is falling prey to the large plantations for the production of palm oil (the best and most efficient source of production for this type of fuel). To continue at this pace, the jungle of Borneo, and orangutans will disappear in less than what awaits its next decade. The demise of the orangutan or gibbon is especially painful, as are some species that share with us more DNA. However, the basic consideration is much larger, and if possible, even more contentious.
This article has been written because the author has a computer. And that computer is the result of belonging to an advanced society, as is English. Obviously, the progress of Spain as privileged state, though now we are in a dire economic crisis ,
has been historically favored by environmental destruction, massive exploitation of mineral resources, indiscriminate felling or extinction multiple species (such as aurochs own, or the bear and the wolf in most of our geography.)

Where is the right to development and where obligation to preserve the environment? How to promote equality of men and at the same time ensuring the survival of oragutanes and gibbons and other species? The best environmental policy is to ensure universal justice. If we admit that this is an unattainable desire ... "Orangutans have no alternative? "Only they have the option of dying slowly in different zoos?
* Note: Borneo problems are not endemic, the neighboring island of Sumatra , let alone Java, are experiencing destruction, not only comparable, but more advanced. The oranguntán of Sumatra (one of two subspecies there, along with that of Borneo) has been reduced in number to over 90 per cent in recent times.
* Some sources for further information:
* For rights and origin of each illustration, clickea on it.
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