Sigean African Reserve Chronicle of a Death Foretold socialist.
"never lie so much as before an election, during war and after a hunt" (Otto von Bismark)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Vertical Versus Hotizontal Directions
I read on Facebook the appropriate sentence to a good friend. The suitability of reflection could not be higher. Indeed, in elections to the Parliament of Catalonia lied yesterday, and believe me, not much more than any other polls. The parties lied to his proposals, not varying in essence, lied
during elections (polite little information filtering) and, finally, are lying in their references to the value of the "prey collected." Resisting to think in a glass not half full or half empty, Catalonia represented today in the Parliament (not just the really existing) is a vase with water and one more crack.
- CiU won the election comfortably. His victory is unquestionable. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe capital has hammered PSC (party in government, both regional and local), Badalona has exceeded the Socialists as well and in Hospitalet, without the results of the PSOE (not both the PSC, at least in order of vote), has approached the results of CiU, something totally unheard of and unthinkable in normal circumstances. Nobody comes to mistakes, the metropolitan belt is today more nationalistic, nor more sovereign, just, or abstained (figures concern in large cities) or simply condemned the socialist work, both in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. More should take into account "the cross" of its outcome, and not believing in a predominantly nationalist Catalonia in Catalonia as well as manifestly contrary to democratic experiments such as the Tripartite.
- The PSC has received a "huevazo." Beyond condemned the act, an owner can never succinctly summarize what happened in the street Nicaragua. A PSC "bourgeois men" has seen his time expired. The "Pro Catalan nationalist party of some sectors will be exceeded by reality. The speech of the next candidate, as happened to the PP (more "forms" that "in the background") should be more like positions taken by C's. The electorate has fallen from over metropolitan bewilderments, the PSC should work in the "Reconquista election." Urge new blood.
- The PP has been the big winner in relative terms. True success is due more to a waste of all proportion to their electoral previous parliamentary representation (and even with it), a bad Montilla government management and wear every day more evident, the Government of ZP. It was, in no small measure, the triumph of a "white label" C's, the party has copied much of his new address (with the exception of the economic and social). As in the case of PX, the PP has brought electoral revenue from immigration.
- ICV has been confirmed as the party with a loyal electorate. Any decline in voting is temporary. It is without doubt one of the parties has largely defended their "essence", not step by agreeing to novel experiments. You look where you look, the moderate decline is a manifestation of not only have eroded the Tripartite CiU won. It's the match-flag could have been a third tripartite.
- ERC has been the big loser. True fagotizado CiU has much of its electorate, but the fact remains that have made "major bleeding" small populist parties Laporta and Carter. Although inappropriate and insulting speeches by their leaders (see Puigcercós against Andalusia), ERC has released an outcome far worse than it deserved. It has always been the "responsible independence (although the term itself is a contradiction), now faces a difficult stage.
- Laporta has come to Parliament giving an example of how "Berlusconi methods" can be extrapolated to Spain (populism, corruption, sex and baths, champagne, cava not always). His radical discourse, without further election program to propose a possible independence, has become popular among radical minds. The electoral system based on the d'Hondt system has given his party more seats than C's, even with fewer votes. In a fair, Laporta possibly would not have left or would have had far less representation in Parliament.
- C's is the party on that, not only by sympathy may be more reflections. To suggest a sentence-short, it could be "C's has become the safe." The party, not just anti-nationalist, has achieved the results that any of its officers had been signed only recently. Despite continued attacks by the media, and with a campaign, the only really austere, C's has consolidated in the Parliament, getting a number of votes that far exceeds those obtained in the previous occasion (most notably "the rest of Catalonia" and not just in the metropolitan area). C's has achieved great results in places like the Aran Valley and La Seu d'Urgell. Ciutadans has managed to become the first parliamentary force less, which is resistant to a second parliamentary election. Stresses, and not a little, the entry on the floor of a man's political stature, and intellectual, Jordi Cañas. Pesa, and much, unfair no Villegas, real ideologue of the "successful citizen." In addition to drawing fewer votes than Carmen de Mairena, UPyD, almost certainly, has managed to remove a seat to C's, Robles sleep easier as far as this is concerned.
* The most famous promotional video Laporta ...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
1990 Starcraft Popup Camper
asylum in

With a group of students in a nursing nuns. All very happy with their gowns and their trays, giving elderly ALZEHIMER dinner-pills, dentures, the smell of mash. At the end there to dance with their grandparents, who with such a young girl did not know exactly what was happening. The nuns, delighted, as always, I must confess. I enjoyed more and better than any fiestecilla weekend (did the parties were not to celebrate anything?), With simple joy, serene, and quite elementary. I doubt if they themselves realized. I do not think any of them repeat the experience. Too bad.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Babyliss Wireless Hair Straighteners
The last cry of orangutan
Strabo wrote that once a squirrel was able to cross Spain from the Pyrenees to Gibraltar , without getting out of a tree. It is well known that the Greek writer was not too most rigorous in their descriptions (and, indeed, has not been preserved text which make such a claim, and legendary), but the appearance of Iberia must have at that time very different from today. Clearly, as we see even in certain natural areas scattered across our geography, the Mediterranean native forest is not characterized by its thickness nor enjoy trees great height, but rather the opposite, having a rich undergrowth and trees
composed predominantly oaks, oaks and junipers ... therefore somewhat difficult due to have a squirrel in any of the recent eras.

The forest Mediterranean (not to be confused with the beech forests in some parts of northern Spain, heirs of the past, and cousins \u200b\u200bof the great forests of central Europe), has steadily retreated over the centuries. In a forest where he lived the uro (direct ancestor of the bull), the bear or the wolf, there has been a geography composed of remnants of more or less extension, that, despite everything, still placing Spain as green lung "civilized" West. Man's interaction with the environment, made this half Iberian privileged , serve as background for the construction of great powers and empires: Rome, al-Andalus Corona or Hispanic. However, either by the clearing of large tracts of forest, or by indiscriminate logging (not only in episodes such as the construction of "Invincible"), the surface of our native trees was reduced towards our own progress as a state. At this point, you ask what is the reason for this reflection.
Despite global awareness of the environment, the successful initiatives for the conservation much of animal and plant species more features or enhancements, in cases such as English, surface forested in recent years in developing countries the destruction of nature remains a reality. We all come to mind the case of Brazil, power pop par excellence, and destruction, increasing the Amazon jungle, but not the only case.
in Indonesia is the second largest island Big World, Borneo. Until recently it was the real Eden, a world full of enigmatic species and large virgin forests. Kingdom Orangutan, Borneo has some of the ecosystem
incredible tracks around the globe. Rhinos, gibbons , nasica (a curious, even comical proboscis monkey species) ... the number of threatened species that inhabit this "Garden of Eden" is fascinating. However, the economic boom of the overcrowded Indonesia is endangering this piece of Heaven on Earth.

's dictatorship Suharto and the high rate of internal corruption were not the only enemies of the rainforest. As quasi anywhere else in the world, the major international economies have put their tentacles towards obtaining a business' good, nice and cheap. " Gardens America, Europe, and especially Japan, look pretty wild wood furnishings, the same raw material used for luxury finishes in many cars. The hypocrisy of our consumption comes even to the antipodes.
However, the rush of the timber "has been joined by more and more dangerous the "fever biodiesel." As in Madagascar or Brazil itself, Borneo is falling prey to the large plantations for the production of palm oil (the best and most efficient source of production for this type of fuel). To continue at this pace, the jungle of Borneo, and orangutans will disappear in less than what awaits its next decade. The demise of the orangutan or gibbon is especially painful, as are some species that share with us more DNA. However, the basic consideration is much larger, and if possible, even more contentious.
This article has been written because the author has a computer. And that computer is the result of belonging to an advanced society, as is English. Obviously, the progress of Spain as privileged state, though now we are in a dire economic crisis ,
has been historically favored by environmental destruction, massive exploitation of mineral resources, indiscriminate felling or extinction multiple species (such as aurochs own, or the bear and the wolf in most of our geography.)

Where is the right to development and where obligation to preserve the environment? How to promote equality of men and at the same time ensuring the survival of oragutanes and gibbons and other species? The best environmental policy is to ensure universal justice. If we admit that this is an unattainable desire ... "Orangutans have no alternative? "Only they have the option of dying slowly in different zoos?
* Note: Borneo problems are not endemic, the neighboring island of Sumatra , let alone Java, are experiencing destruction, not only comparable, but more advanced. The oranguntán of Sumatra (one of two subspecies there, along with that of Borneo) has been reduced in number to over 90 per cent in recent times.
* Some sources for further information:
* For rights and origin of each illustration, clickea on it.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Baby Alive Bottle Replacement
The protomoral

5 pm. At a congress of bioethics a third-year philosophy estudiantillo rant about emotions, values, principles, Max Weber, the axiological dimension, capacity and protomoral estimate. Disturbing that the protomoral. I do not know if that I weigh in excess of two fried eggs with potatoes I've eaten, so I do not understand, or that the student is a pedantic speaking intellectual constructs as grand as vacuous. Put face of interest, I took the finger to his lips in thoughtful attitude, setting eyes, and I stand quietly in the torpor that prevails in the school auditorium.
expires before I sleep I think about my grandmother, there is more wisdom in two fried eggs and throughout protomoral nap.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
How Many Carbs In American White Cheese
Two hours reading ...

Yesterday I started reading at five in the afternoon. Fifteen minutes and I'm going to study, I thought. Well, after a while it looked very wrong with the light from the window, and lit a lamp. At the time, had spent two hours. It was seven and four, dark night. Her post-western feeling mid-afternoon, not wanting to do anything. Too soon to dinner. Too late to take advantage of the afternoon. A vague feeling of having wasted time. But I redid. Free men are the ones who can do this: read two short hours to run without interruption. And Europe is saved.
Let's see if next Saturday again.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Suzuki Dt15c For Sale
Extinguish a dinosaur. Slut
saurian 2) vs Allosaurus. Barosaurus with baby
personal Traditionally, while bloggiana, always write a few lines for my birthday . The largest remnants of my childhood spent emerge every November 5th, what are you going to do?, But after all ... "MPOC ta
so bad, right?. Those who know me will not be surprised if I write an article on dinosaurs to this day designated annually. Playing with the title, though the years pass, even attacking Romas and Constantinople, civil and mortgage, my passion for dinosaurs still there, alive, not extinct.

"Extinguish a dinosaur" can only mean throwing a dinosaur plastic waste, say many. The pun is curious, indeed, and few fall into how to extinguish something that is already extinct. Things change if we create a semantic field in which to place "extinction", "delete" ... "Oblivion." Change but still not feasible. Does anyone believe that man can forget, to "extinguish" of his thought the dinosaurs? Not generic, then in particular, the official scientific establishment thinks so.
I remember asking my father when he was still holding hands and walking to jumping, if the grandmother or aunt had seen once a dinosaur. By that time still thought that perhaps my greatest they had been seen, and years since their experiences were similar in my mind. In this age of 4 or 5 years, little mind talking about 65 or 65 million years! To my surprise, my father said no, saurian first disappointment of my life ...
Not long after I started collecting the famous encyclopedia of booklets: "Dinosaurs", the work, wherever they take me years, more will be influenced in my neurons. I remember reading those stories booklets on "coelofisis" or "sicosaurus" (As known at that time to Coelophysis and Psittacosaurus ), and, of course, on the Apatosaurus . Needless to say that I really liked the animal know as bird named, despite the great disappointment of what was motivating ... saurian my second disappointment.
Like all children born in the eighties, I had the opportunity to enjoy many cartoons on TV. Beyond the Flintstones (and Dino), was particularly fond of Dinoriders, the "Dinos" (I call it that, but that is about a group of dinosaurs fighting other mutants mutant dinos Space, Dinosaucers ) and, especially, the saga of little feet, better known as "In The Land." In all these series has a special role Brontosaurus, named for me back then, "checked pintail." Great was the disappointment when I read that by paleontologic problems among American scientists (Marsh - Cope, stars of the famous "War of the bones"), the Brontosaurus had been made almost a century, the second time extinct. Indeed, the Brontosaurus must rectify its name to Apatosaurus , having been first found this second animal.
My third disappointment occurred recently, and in some ways is "temporary." As I read recently in the blog " Darwin's eye" (recently awarded by the contest 20minutes 20blogs), both Apatosaurus, like the famous Diplodocus are at risk of disappearing, by
considered by some scientists, members of the same species with the abominable name brontodiplodocus Amphicoelias . In short, for not rolling over "the truck", it is scientifically the Brontosaurus never existed, and soon it may stop doing so Apatosaurus or Diplodocus . These little things make one think, and leave a small light ills of our culture. Convention limit the imagination and expressiveness, but without standards, the world would be total anarchy. Where are the limits?

duality is evident in all of us rests. We all have a real, one imagined. One makes us look like the best in the world, another tells us our faults, one tells us we are very ready, another we do not know under what things you think brontosaurus, one knows the name, by day today is Apatosaurus. I wonder what is identification of a person, if he is or what you think. One is more what you think inside or leaving to see out. Well thought out, is not it true that sometimes the mix of our internal duality is such that it allows us to distinguish between the developed and the real? Renaming a brontosaurus! For us it will always remain the Flintstones Dino! We are subject to rules, indispensable for social peace, but, internally, we are doubly free and authentic! Vivan los dinos, especially on my birthday! ;-)
Article of the controversy: Galiano, H., & ALBERSDORF, R. 2010. A new basal species Diplodocus, Amphicoelias brontodiplodocus from the Morrison Formation, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, with a Taxonomic Reevaluation of Diplodocus, Apatosaurus and Other generated. Dinosauria International (Ten Sleep, NY) Report for September., 2010, p 1-41, figures 1-33. ( click here to see) .
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