"In politics, the tripod is the most unstable of all structures." Frank Herbert, Dune
As much as our positive and positivist current thinking prevents us from seeing the forest from the Past, there is something that our ancestors were more privileged than us. A subject of Adriano Justiniano or , an Egyptian in the time of Ramses II or Persian at the time of Cyrus "the Great" was clear who was the visible head of the world, who must render obedience, and However, always be careful. At present we are in a world of "Caesars invisible" stage nobody knows what that person really feels that governs our
s estates, or what stops you make decisions that influence our shorter term. Western democratic parliaments have become a sort of "extended neighborhood meetings." The topics covered are broader in scope than moisture cracks a party wall, but they are still issues "immediate" no "extreme importance to the future." No average citizen knows with certainty why this crisis. Older nostalgic talk of an excess in household spending and a lack in physical work and beliefs, while on the other hand, there will be acolytes followers of political parties blame the ruling opposite turn. Nothing is further from reality, we are in an ethereal world ruled from the shadows.

Leaving aside green Martians war stories told in some classic science fiction (some of them very laudable and interesting, I think, for example, " Endless War" by Joe Haldeman), there are science fiction, really, are true eventual treaty geopolitics. Above all, more in these times, I think of the classic "Dune " of Frank Herbert . This is a book which presents a situation not too long ago when the background not in the forms, which we now live. Long before the crisis hit, Herbert presents us with a universe governed by large merchant houses, an imperial power and religious overtones corporation. " The tripod is the most unstable structures, with the appearance of this phrase, one realizes the parallels between power relations in the novel and currently available.
A similar conclusion comes our brand, and deserved, Prince of Asturias Prize, Amin Maalouf . In his book on " The mismatch of the world", no longer sees something more true and suggestive: the U.S. have fallen into a vortex without self-destructive, apparently have not noticed. Indeed, the "geometry of power" is very important if we explain this. An English expression, also used for this purpose, the known theory of " checks and balances " checks and balances. Power is strong, and be much more cautious, if it can grow having always watched the rival for hegemony. No need either to this relationship "counterweight" to be equal, but it is vital that potential has its limits. U.S. need more to the former USSR anyone on this planet.
Leaving this aside, the "instability" now has a wider scope than mere political discussion. Following the dictum of the reverend Bene Gesserit of Dune , along with the political power we found two large counter- : the economic and the communications (one who is able to put where ever cormorants any) . Currently, political power (in the West nominally "elected") but can not make decisions is with the acquiescence of "financial sharks" while popular power that draws policy may not reach citizens, but is with the vast estate of the big media groups . The interdependence of the three branches is evident, instability is the current crisis.
Spain's case is obvious. There is no independent political power (as in the other countries today). While the energies of the populace come together to discuss the most appropriate territorial model, Spain does not have any leeway, going to those wars that sent him, and taking those economic measures that are imposed. We are at a historical circumstance where it is much worse than Emilio Botin announced an arrangement with creditors at the Banco Santander to Spain, as a state, becomes insolvent.
current legitimacy crisis of the powers that govern us is obvious. The policy is increasingly being banal more, and it is not surprising that the intellectual class can get to choose specific policy initiatives (in scope geographically delimited) or simply choose to abstain. Our economy is the subject of a piggy bank that nobody can see, our lives "moves" in the endless lines of financial markets. If there is indeed something that differentiates us from the previous stages of history, that's the case, and not the content, are different. What extent can take civil raids sovereign networks is something we ask. At powers not reach them and by the vote, unfortunately, but they nourish the veins are open crystal (consumption, internet , social conflict ...). How far will be able to "civilians in the street" to come to claim her share and his own freedom in making their conditions of rights and imposition of obligations is something that no one dares to predict. Or do you own?
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