"There Are No Better civilizers Than roads" (Lord Roberts)
Most part of the population relates to Rome with gladiators, the legions, amphitheaters and large raves. Few people will associate the word "Roman Empire" a "road" binomial key if we want to assess, as it deserves, the rise of the greatest power ever known West. Certainly, the roads are excellent civilizing. Without roads there is no efficient trade worth, nor cultural exchanges. Numerous roads were raised in the canopy which the Roman people. Their language and culture is not imposed both weapons and excellence to reach across major roads. Establish communication is to foster the exchange. When two visions
feed, one upon the other, comes a new vision, much more sophisticated, it is vital math and Rome well knew.

Until recent times, Roman roads have been the basis of communications in Spain. Not even in times of another great European empire, the English, there was a communications network that will reach to any comparison. It was in the process of "modernization Bourbon" eighteenth century (peak of archaic English) which launched a project to build new roads, in the end very bad. The model intended to be, not so much a Roman wit improved expression, but a copy, defective, of French absolutism. The unique power of the monarch should lead in all terrain, including communications. Far from encouraging the improvement of roads in areas most densely populated (Andalucía and Levante) is wanted to create a hegemonic city above all: Madrid.
The legacy of those times is still present. With notable exceptions (see the first railway in Spain: Barcelona-Mataró (capital of the textile industry at that time), which remains one of the only revenue-generating) the largest investments ever wanted to be in the land of centripetal power. "Deeds" as the train Madrid-Aranjuez (completely insane) were performed before the communications between Seville and Cadiz, between Valencia and Alicante. Instead of following criteria economic, therefore, optimization, lines were created "as curious" as-Tembleque Aranjuez (1853) or Aranjuez-Toledo (1858).
Thanks to otherwise late industrialization of Catalonia and the Basque Country, Spain sighed, lo and behold, thanks to the periphery. Maritime axis "British Isles - Bilbao" and the pro-European axis "Barcelona - Pyrénées", was that Spain would benefit from the existence of other routes that passed through Madrid. Investments in these two areas began to be indispensable, Spain was progressing slowly, but thanks to those regions where there were fewer aristocrats and greater exposure to new trends.
Genuine Castilian Spain, the wonderful cities, even today, of Medina del Campo, Lerma, Alcazar de San Juan or Medinaceli went from the cities of the empire where lived a wealthy aristocratic houses. Those who divided the New World at his mercy (Alba, Medinaceli , Medina-Sidonia ...) do not bet on a modernization that had occurred in other countries. Catalonia, with large commercial ports and best tradition, flourished under private initiative, it could have soared to the Bay of Cadiz or Mediterranean axis (Alicante-Valencia-Barcelona), but for the "best" efforts of the ruling classes.

For a traveler abroad, it remains shocking that the best national communications than those between Barcelona and Madrid. Has anyone wondered why N-II road is not receiving more investment ? What the freight routes between Madrid and the Mediterranean corridor? Madrid is obvious that the current head of state even as a Bourbon, is no longer "Bourbon", which has fallen into the cradle of modernity, with large multinationals and vision. But distrust remains dangerous generated from the center outward: Clearly progress is to seek more efficient, and not as comfortable or appropriate to a prevailing ideologies.
can, and in my case I am, according to several theses of centralism. Nobody would deny that the Prado is not to be in Madrid, or the end of a hypothetical large sporting event have to be in the Capital, however, we can not see that there are lines of promotion inexcusable. I refer to the Mediterranean axis, effectively, but also to improve communications in the former "Silver Road" and the revival of the trinomial: Avilés, Gijón and Oviedo (one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country with nearly a million inhabitants). You can not defend the centrality in a question and not encourage a young man can go to the capital, cheaply, to see where funds are invested "all." Definitely go to Madrid should be cheaper, not free from generating grievances benefit some and not others.
In conclusion, we should not look at the maps with prejudice, and other efficiency criteria. Roads have always been progress and civilization ... Why terrorists think they have both "hard" with the AVE to the Basque Country? What could be worse, more "assimilated", which a quick link to Madrid? It is that empires are progress, but communications throughout history have built. If the EU wants to be great ... should invest more in roads and less on agriculture. Long live the roads, whether in stone or versed by Machado!
Over the next investment be implemented by the Government in the near future: see these links:
1) Ponte Nomentano - a bridge on the Via Nomentana, Rome
2) Hodler - Tessiner Landschaft - 1893
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