TV is idiot box, container of sweet potatoes. Illus. We have knowledge of the world without knowing anything about what happens. We scandals fictitious leaks and witch hunts in tricks of domination. IDIOTS. We drink came with dirty water, to be informed when we manipulate the media. IMPACTED. I see the worst rumors about Kosovo confirmed. FOOLS. Some seem to realize the criminal from the dissolution of Yugoslavia, said with an accent Germany against stout. Promoted before, are now complicit. HYPOCRITES. Those who tolerated and silent, now wish to enter into a Union, increasingly, U.S. puppets.
SHIT. One such Hashim Thaci ("Prime Minister" of Kosovo) trafficking in organs of Serbs killed. Screw them. From Berlin and Paris were silent, while the Americans cheered. Serbia Yugoslavia was destroyed and buried. OS LO BUSCATEIS. The Serbs are bad people or so they told me always. Something would they, to their execution and trading with their bodies (all said with irony, something that is learned only). CONTAMINATED. I plead rebellious in my mind, free in convictions. FREEDOM. The reports are analyzed, television news, increasingly abortion. VIVA
INDEPENDENCE. I thank any deity for having been born in Spain, the cradle of tolerance and nationalism (either peripheral, and with no less intensity, also centripetal). EXAMPLE. Spain without power shows the way in a democracy. Yugoslavia was eaten by the dog bone leaders. DEALERS. Kosovo as a free port for drugs (for opium), which said such a Estulin and now a Swiss UN rapporteur. INCREDIBLE. Change ideas based on who we are counted.
REJECTION. Kosovo is not a country but a free port for the drug. PROUD. I would think that Spain is not recognized for it, it would show courage and intelligence to not compare handling geopolitical issues with minority vernacular ideas.
Source photo: http://www.mediabistro.com/spotlight/archives/01/06/06/
In the press: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional / UE/investigara/acusaciones/trafico/organos/primer/ministro/Kosovo/elpepuint/20101215elpepuint_2/Tes http://www.lavanguardia.es/internacional/20101215/54090259989/el-primer-ministro-de-kosovo-acusado-de-trafico-de-organos-humanos.html http://www.rtve .es/noticias/20101214/primer-ministro-kosovo-lidera-red-trafico-organos-armas-segun-informe/387017.shtml
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