are the councils? What are nations? What are the Autonomous Communities? What are the regions? The ceilings in the political aim, on many occasions, which become stony mountains. If a boundary between two provinces, there is born a politician Himalaya ", where a regional capital city is no matter who is more or less about the rest of the province, what matters is the legal standard.
The faces of the territories are more from the window of the car through a map of provinces. It can realize one by different routes, the which I would recommend a pair. Last summer I wanted to teach some of the best tourist attractions in the area "Celtiberian" my girl. Molina went to of Aragon and Barranco de la Hoz ( Guadalajara), passing through the villages of Milmarcos and party, tiny, in the province of Zaragoza, to get to Santa María de Huerta and his monastery ( Soria). I was shocked that she could not imagine that during that
short drive we had passed through three provinces and three autonomous regions. A second trip I did recently with my cousins. From Madrid, Alcala de Henares leaving were to the station Guadalajara - Yebes , passing by the Corredor del Henares. At that moment I had my girl next door, and was myself who reflected on the "gilipollesco" which is the existence of two communities in the field, and three dioceses in the sacred!
The provinces are political abstractions, like autonomy or the States themselves. Are meaningless when configured more like "boundaries" than as "frames." Obviously nationalist independence movement feed on this great truth, wanting to draw epics on the map, which makes no sense in social or economic. The theme of "provincial", without any pejorative connotation, it stories or defends both common languages \u200b\u200bsuch as better representation of social, economic, and to some extent, geo-biological.
recently which phoenix, to again hear the term "Celtiberia ." From the ashes of this "historical region (not just me feel comfortable with the term) project arose " Celtiberia Landscapes ( TERRITORY IBERKELTIA ) , Inter-territorial cooperation project funded through the European Initiative LEADER +. The inclusion of the regions of Molina Aragon of (and Lordship), some towns in the area of \u200b\u200bSigüenza (Anguita ) Medinaceli land, Daroca , Calatayud ... continues to be the most enlightening and relevant. This cultural initiative, in my view, shows clearly how convenient it would create an "autonomy", as a minimum, include these lands. The reason is obvious: all these areas have suffered from depopulation and economic repression (with few exceptions). A "division territorial "could facilitate the management of these regions, avoiding, for example, that residents of Upper Jalón" Soria "can not go to hospital or Calatayud of Molina of Aragon that of Teruel.
And, indeed, if anything has characterized the recent debate on the "Statute " Catalan autonomy is to have left little doubt that Spain requires substantial changes and conclusive. Should be left aside any comparison could be made between regions, at first sight with equal legal status, and focus, with some neutrality, the needs of people living in the territories, avoiding, if possible, the criteria of national history and metaphysical remote. Thus, it is difficult to sustain the viability of an autonomous region of La Rioja or a province in Murcia , to take two obvious examples. Without wishing to be De Burgos, who did a split exactly infallible, I present my idea of \u200b\u200bterritorial division, and share with you all possible arguments for the debate.
In circumstances like the present, with an economic crisis that we do not know when or how we leave, it is clear the need to " rationalize spending. " The current model is outdated seventeen autonomous. Clearly Catalonia has reasons, and reasons for the view that economic and social identity (not national or "nationalist") is not comparable to other communities. The coming years will be vital for restructuring
the country, because from here we want to emulate Nostradamus, but because the need is well in force, and is completely inexcusable.
For example, near the region of "Celtiberia" I would be in favor of uniting Galicia , Leon and Asturias in one self, as well as Cantabria, Burgos, Rioja and Soria (capital). A curious case is the Aragonese. If we ignore historical criteria, it is clear that Aragon is "well represented " in their current organization organization, but the needs of the population, and regional imbalances, we say just the opposite. Particularly, I think of Calatayud Aragon and Daroca far, much of the Pyrenean Aragon. Something happens to some provinces in this great community made from scraps: Castilla-la Mancha (Albacete could well go to Murcia and Extremadura Ciudad Real , going Guadalajara capital Madrid, as well as Toledo).
Obviously, the authorities should be reduced, leaving less autonomy, more decentralized, and a representation more of their needs. The big cities should be " quasi-autonomous " with its own management entity with regulatory capacity in metropolitan areas daily, this solution may be to Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bZaragoza, Valencia, Elche-Alicante-Murcia, -Avilés-Gijón Oviedo , Bay of Cadiz , Malaga, Bilbao and Valladolid .
is look where you look, people change, and territorial organization as well. We agree on several things, sometimes not (I deleted the concert Basque-Navarre), but it is clear that Spain requires changes, and the duplicity of government is a cancer on the current situation (as well as nationalist excesses (attack bilingualism) and centripetal attempts, see the excessive debt of the city of Madrid, or unjustified Olympic works ...).
Not the time to hold opinions without outside influences? Not the time to reflect and to "break" with the corrupt politicians who thrive on the metaphysical and meaningless? Here are some of "my thesis, what do YOU \u200b\u200bthink?
* Images:
1) Vista de Molina de Aragón
2) Ermita de Nuestra Senora de la Lastra (Angus).
Both pictures are of the author.
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