Although not usually sometimes happen. You forgot the key, or came home unexpectedly one hour, and there was not the acetate. The alternative was not mourn, playing with the phone, sit back and wait or go to the bar. It was ringing the bell from the neighboring (in my case, ReaƱo or door) and put a sad face with a half smile.
The first impacts were the same: the slippers of the owner and the characteristic odor of each house, any house smells like. I served a coca-cola and were parked in front of the television, computer, or a board game. After a while you could hear noise in the house, we politely said goodbye and called home. Smile among parents, thank you very much and such-and do homework or set the table.
I wonder if education for citizenship, in addition to explaining how to wear a condom, explain this type of conduct neighborhood. or maybe are reminiscent Tardofranquismo, who knows.
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