When the wheel of the bicycle began a process was pricked charming. Had to take chamber cover. Inflate it once was, with one of those bombs something rusty. Take a bucket of water "in the field was always metal, no plastic, and immerse the camera while it is spinning, to find out where was the jab: a row of bubbles eventually betrayed him. Then he wiped his camera, was applied ignored the mysterious saliva reasons for this babeamiento, but I doubt that there is ", she started putting on the glue and patch. Finally, we had to lightly sand, under the wing of the light spectrum-treacherously edges of the patch. And he turned to put the camera on the deck and bloating. Although, of course, that was the least of: after the patch ritual one had been wanting to ride a bike and I was on my way to the pool. Because the bikes are for the summer.
Apparently now it is cheaper to buy five new cameras in the decathlon as a box of patches. Things of modernity.
Apparently now it is cheaper to buy five new cameras in the decathlon as a box of patches. Things of modernity.
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