The Opera House in Norway was built in five years in the city of Oslo is located in the neighborhood of opera houses, next to the Exchange and the central station.
The building occupies a space equivalent to four football fields, has three stages and contains a total of 1,100 rooms.

The main auditorium, whose shape resembles a horseshoe, it has great versatility scenic and excellent acoustics. The stage has an area of \u200b\u200bseveral thousand square meters and parts are up to 16 meters below sea level.
The main auditorium has been built with oak from the Baltic.
The main auditorium has been built with oak from the Baltic.

Outside the building, the most impressive structure is the sloping stone white stems directly from the fjord Oslofjord and gives visitors the opportunity to enjoy a walk and views of the city.
The facades of the building has solar panels, allowing the building to supply its energy needs.
After its inauguration in April 2008, the Opera House, designed by renowned Norwegian study Snøhetta architecture, was the center of attention and received countless rave reviews in Norway and abroad.
In October 2008 the Norwegian Opera and Ballet received the award in the Culture category of the first World Architecture Festival. Jurors, Peter Cook, Christoph Ingenhoven and John Walsh felt that the Oslo Opera is a very professional work of architecture that has managed to carry out
fairly complicated programming consistency and clarity.
The facades of the building has solar panels, allowing the building to supply its energy needs.
After its inauguration in April 2008, the Opera House, designed by renowned Norwegian study Snøhetta architecture, was the center of attention and received countless rave reviews in Norway and abroad.

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