Friday, April 17, 2009
Is It Unhealthy To Sit Next To Printers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Does Miosotis Still Alive
Friday 17 April, in ETSAM Hall (Avenida Juan Herrera, No. 4) Norman Foster, led by Professor Luis Fdez Galiano architectural projects, will give a conference that will start at 12:00.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bath Toys Water Wheel
The awards ceremony takes place on 29 May in Buenos Aires will be the first time you perform in South America.
this year's jury consisted of: Peter Palumbo (England), Alejandro Aravena (Chile), Shigeru Ban (Japan), Rolf Fehlbaum (Switzerland), Carlos Jiménez (Costa Rica), Juhani Pallasmaa (Finland), Renzo Piano (Italy), Karen Stein and Martha Thorne (USA).
Architect "monk" states that "the power of a good project lies in ourselves and in our ability to perceive the world with feeling and reason. A good architectural design is sensory. A good architectural design is rational. " (Thinking Architecture by Peter Zumthor)
His work incorporates quality craftsmanship with a deep interest in the knowledge of modern thought. His most representative work is the building of the baths in Vaals in Switzerland (1991-96) whose main themes are: the mountains, stay inside, rocks, stone and water treated. Through crevices, joints and spaces between the stone blocks, run the water enters the light and the grass grow. Another of his most iconic buildings is the Chapel Sogn-Benedetg (Sumvitg, 1988) , where its realization refers to the traditional Swiss wall construction based on wood chips, where the traditional and contemporary touch.
Throughout his career Peter Zumthor has received numerous honors and awards, the Gold Medal Tessenow Heinrich (1989), Calberg Architecture Prize (1998), the Mies van der Rohe (1998), honorary member of Royal Institute of British Architects (2000) and Japan's Imperial Prize (2008)
here is a gallery collected by the NY Times, which you can see the 3 most important works, in my opinion (admittedly is that those are the ones studied)
Treadmill Dizzy After Cool Down
I attached a link to an interesting article I've seen ... pretty interesantee!
[Daniel Libeskind, Jurgen Mayer, Adrian Smith, Norman Foster, Turenscape, Kazuyo Sejima].
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Chemical Reactions To Move A Car
The Opera House in Norway was built in five years in the city of Oslo is located in the neighborhood of opera houses, next to the Exchange and the central station.
The building occupies a space equivalent to four football fields, has three stages and contains a total of 1,100 rooms.

The main auditorium has been built with oak from the Baltic.

The facades of the building has solar panels, allowing the building to supply its energy needs.
After its inauguration in April 2008, the Opera House, designed by renowned Norwegian study Snøhetta architecture, was the center of attention and received countless rave reviews in Norway and abroad.

Weighted Vests Basketball Dangerous

Saturday, April 4, 2009
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Friday, April 3, 2009
Aggressive Inline Scholarships
From wikipedia
Conmtemporánea Architecture Prize Mies van der Rohe Mies Van der Rohe is an architectural award granted by the European Union and Mies Van Rohe Barcelona of every 2 years since 1988 .
Prize for Contemporary Architecture The most important of the European Union. Is endowed with 50,000 euros and a sculpture evoking the German Pavilion of Mies van der Rohe.
long ago left the 5 finalists (11 Feb 09) of this prestigious award, one of the winner will pick up the baton from the previous edition (MUSAC Mansilla + Tuñón). These five finalists were chosen from a total of 340 entries received, you can see photos of these here.
The jury chaired by Francis Rambert, and comprising: Ole Bouman, Irena Fialová, Fulvio Irace, Luis M. Mansilla, Carme Pinos and Vasa J. Perović, nominated as finalists in the following works:
Grafton Architects - Luigi Bocconi University
(Photo: Federico Bunetti)
(Photo: Hisao Suzuki)
Massimiliano Fuksas Architecture - Zenith Music Hall
(Photo From Moreno Maggi)
Snohetta - Norwegian Opera and Ballet
(Photo: Jens Passoth)
What do you think?, by what apostaríais?, what he calls you more attention?
Source: Platform architecture