"The race that is known today as a whole or Galician Gaulish war is passionate, quick to anger and come to blows, coarse habits and no vices. At the slightest excitement rush to fight openly and without looking right or left, are so easy to overcome by those who want to fight through maneuver is not necessary if you do not provoke them " Strabo," Geography "4, 4, 2-3
" The Celtiberians cut off the heads of their enemies killed in battle and hang from the necks of their horses. " Diodorus of Sicily 5, 9, 5
Whether a Carnival costume, for the good of Vicky by the first great classic of Blizzard " Lost Vikings ", or being a history buff, the first thing that comes to mind when talking to a Vikings , are the horns. Rude, violent, unscrupulous conquerors, bandits and drunken Viking image , like all "barbarian" in general, comes in similar terms. Nothing matters ever established that the Vikings wore helmets with horns, or who think that the myth has come to be due
found horns (like glass) in the tombs of warriors. The Viking "should" wear horns, it is barbaric, alien, and related to the Devil.

is not an isolated event. For all "accepted" rather than known, that the civilization to Hispania arrived with the Greeks and Romans. Beyond cheesy TV series (very indebted to the stereotypes ) each time you have more evidence that there were cultures, a little less developed than the Roman, and really, how could it be otherwise, the Empire imposed by force of arms, trade and currency. Strabo spoke of the Celts as drunken rebels, when, it is worth for example, investigations near Calatayud have discovered, even ephemerides Celts. The perception of others is an instrument of power for anything new. Recent developments in North Africa, and this is confirmed.
record not only ignorance if I say that until recently Hosni Mubarak appeared to me as the most respected leader of the Islamic world. His ongoing "ires and goings " to U.S., Europe or Israel , seemed to place him as a figure of "mediator" of the first order. May come to seem that even Egypt was one of the most developed Islamic countries, although a single visit would suffice to prove to anyone otherwise. Recent events, most notably the retransmission of their speeches to the population, we have shown an Mubarak "different." The old mediator has become useless, where there was peace now is a tyrant regime, it seems, and overthrown. I do not know anyone who has had the privilege of speaking with former Egyptian leader, or claims to be his friend, so I can not have an opinion on
ed mo is you. The latest images, speeches and documents show us a very self-centered, prototype chieftain, as would the good of Miguel Angel Asturias, "banana republic." Once again, the power of the media as a tool power is just remarkable.

Rome had an original way to deal with "politics" of the moment. A rivals (see Hannibal or Arminio ) are "deified" and quasi considered as heroes, by the mere fact of having been able to conquer Rome, the Empire, on several occasions. Something is happening in a somewhat different, with nations conquered by the current state hegemonón . The Iraq of Saddam (clear secular leader) was a threat "Islamist " possessing weapons of mass destruction mass (while oil ...). The Taliban , useful to block Soviet advances, proved a powerful warlord, while the "crappy" North Korean regime, has grown into one of the greatest global threats. If you do not like my principles, quiet, I have others. The economic and military power has been joined by another, the means of communication , except that, to the surprise of many, have spent more time there than we think ...
Finally some advice. If you examine the "barbaric" attempt to meet shift, read, study ... do not run "with Viking horns ." Source Images: 1) http://wire.ggl.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/lost-vikings.jpg
2) http://upload.wikimedia.org/