The idea was a pilgrim from the beginning, like most insistent that assail us feverishly night and prevent us from falling sleep. He almost always well dive to oblivion. But I dared to propose to the students of Communication to do a live nativity scene at the San Silvestre race. They had a lot of studying and some embarrassment to be overcome, but dared to try.
It was the video I link to you. We had a great time and the result shows that it was worth.
So many times we have ideas that would make every day brighter, more clever, less gray ... but almost always shoved it on a 'dark corner', thinking that life is more serious than that, we have more important things to do. Plus ... What if it goes wrong?
But we must dare. So you put the goals of Vaseline. This brings up the audience. Just one look in the mirror one morning and finds a stranger brightness across the glass. Too bad I slept, but that idea last night ...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Astrology Planets Programiste
Spain: Unity in Diversity. DENOUNCED
Spain is a subject with individual personality problems. Finding your identity is submerged in an ocean of prejudice, which pits its parts and does not promote the right to "everything." As a prototype of insecurity, Spain seeks similarities with the other nations. Who knows if low self-esteem or psychotic mania, Spain is rich in cheap copies, corporate piracy that is manifested in a range of
"transplants" hard take-home. Pray with the philosophy based on Germanic, now with the French idiosyncrasy, Spain is able to host an Austrian institution (such as the Constitutional Court) and at the same time a clear symmetry Civil Code Napoleon. The core of the national operation is a symbiosis of foreign institutions. What example of internationalism, Spain are blinded consolidated solutions instead of rejoicing in their own possibilities as diverse reality.

recently has become especially hard on "debate territorial "that opposes" peripheral nationalisms "and" nationalism centripetal or centralizing. " Statements like those of the former President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol , serve only as a reply to those made by other politicians, including former Prime Minister, José María Aznar . Beyond citing Pla and considered the heir of the "great politicians" of Catalonia in early s. Late twentieth century XIX, Aznar, like the rest of English, you should consider, with striving for objectivity, about "everything" that is Spain, and these "parts" which serve as a substrate. Without hiding my position favorable to the integration of Portugal in a single State, it would be interesting to start to clear variables and unknowns, giving Spain diverse and multicultural reflection that characterizes him.
From Madrid we tend to talk about the "French model" as an example of efficiency. Clearly inherited from Bourbon, the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a great capital to overshadow the rest of Hispanic cities is one of the great constants in English history in recent centuries. The radial pattern of our communications (ignoring the "Corridor of the Mediterranean, for example) is one of the legacies that this has led, yet the damage of identity that the idea has provoked. Posts
to cite statements by recognized national policy, I will not forget the recent words spoken by the current President of the Congress of Deputies (former President of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-la Mancha). He spoke with his usual sarcasm, the "problem" in their time with the necessary choice of capital for Castilla-la Mancha. Not having a "historical settings, and economic consolidation as a unit, must be wielding a criterion, so weak in practice, such as being the former capital of the Visigoth Kingdom and capital of the English Empire with Charles V, to choose to Toledo as a place where
place the regional parliament of Castilla-la Mancha.

-think if someone is coming, is that the era of "one size fits all" is running out. Social indicators, economic, cultural ... and even sentimental, we show that there are rather few regions with sufficient autonomy and historical identity to justify their self-government and decentralization. Indeed, these regions, for some "nations" are two: Basque Country - Navarre and Catalonia.
Hegemony Paris in a state with clear and hegemonic capital does not exist in Spain. Until very recently the English industry "centralized" in the periphery, whether at Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSabadell, Mataró, Eibar, Sestao and Portugalete. The existence of peripheral industries, of course, led to the birth of large capital peripherals, or whatever it is, powerful peripheral bourgeoisie. Focusing on the case I know best, because Catalan, arguably the history of "Catalan" is the story of the Catalan bourgeoisie.
is defensible, while legitimate, that the existence of centripetal powers to make centralizing power in conflict with lots of resistance. You want to impose a decision from Madrid, or consider the Dean of a professional or an agency head should be, by nature, he who occupies the chair of the Manzanares, not only legitimate but counterproductive. Spain in recent times has made these practices, and it is not surprising that there are counterpart sovereign move, taking advantage of the wrong people in certain regions, serving the interests of the bourgeoisie peripheral claiming ownership.
The difference can not continue mostránsose as a scourge. Euskadi that are "very much Bilbao and the Royal Society, and in Catalonia "very Barca", no longer a symptom chart what actually happens. From the moment you want to impose a selfish, abnormal vision of reality in English history, as has been done in recent times, is justifying nationalist anomalies arising to doubt the population of important concepts such as are to: "sovereignty", "State", "freedom" or "Nation" (in a liberal sense of the term). We need to finish building a "state" and leave the guise of "disguised centralism." We I genuinely enjoy own diversity, not that we are copying foreign models.
Much damage was the one that produced the Franco and all the mythology of the rig. The era of "English Empire" is not characterized by a centralization (imposed by the Bourbon monarchs after the War of Succession). Spain was born as a union of kingdoms, not a product of Iberian conquests. The prism of the capital, seeking their similarities with Paris, he is showing that it is emotionally valid. We must begin to think that the Reconquista began not only in Covadonga and that something had to see, too, the Franks of Charlemagne in Catalonia. We must realize that the Castilian is our common language, but there are other necessary preservation languages \u200b\u200blike
Catalan or Galician. Very graphic ... Has anyone thought that "Valencia del Cid was an autonomous entity? Or that if English Naples was at one time was "because" of the Crown of Aragon, Castilla not?

precisely the language issue is one of the most difficult. Not only from the center, but also, and far from the periphery, has wielded as a weapon. Leaving aside charters, decrees, wars and revolutions, that Catalan is a language "with power" and strong protection, effectively, is more due to the existence of a bourgeoisie with capital to heroic battles. What sets the Catalan language, or one of the factors that do, the probable or Aragonese, is the existence of a powerful social class has been preserved. Catalan literature is the official who has followed the path from the Pompeu Fabra Renaixença to, through the Noucentisme (all bourgeois movements).
With Fabra greatest exponent, the creation of a language "separate scientifically" has been used in politics. It matters little that the Castilian and Catalan (especially certain adjacent regions, see Valencia and Lleida) are so similar. It's something, just not a little similar to what happened with the Italian, so similar to the Castilian in Neapolitan version, but different from the official, imposed from the north.
Chants of "Long live Spain" at the Bernabeu every time you play for Barcelona or a Basque team, denial of links with Real Madrid Mataró bourgeoisie who created it or the language of "Polish" "catalufos" and so little help. Reinvent a prosperous country before distributing the bait. Get a Spain united in diversity and not a tension that benefits the leaders among the hyenas.
Pictures: Look at the symbolism that I wanted to express placing two paintings by Titian (great painter "Empire") with his works: "Allegory of time governed by prudence" and his famous portrait of Charles V and a table Goya's "Duel with cudgels, as appropriate for modern times ...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Nonalcoholic Mexican Punch
With that ...

We have about 80 parliamentarians in each autonomous community (17x60 = 1020 MPs). While it would be unreasonable to reconsider your need, particularly with the party discipline that we suffer, my proposal here is more modest. Q0ue propose to do nothing. To do nothing we are satisfied, and we will continue paying. But to be still.
Mil guys with advisers trying to justify a roster are able to do anything. And that also pay citizens, stunned by the morass of "programs", "forms", "instances", "regulations", "decrees" and other paraphernalia with which we have to struggle to feed the bureaucratic hypertrophy leads way devour.
With that we simply do nothing.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Travel To Japan By Myself
Masses at the University of Barcelona is a pleasure

Masses are suspended at the University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbecause students 'progressive' boycott the celebration of the liturgy. I read the news on ABC . A quote from the writing of the story leaves me stone:
"The conflict between progressive and Catholic students flared before Christmas ...". Honestly, I can not imagine a story about gender violence which read: "the conflict between Braulio and Joana got worse ...". No two equal parts in this conflict. There are some characters (read fanatics, anti-democrats, Taliban) do not respect the beliefs of others, and some citizens trying to live according to their conscience pacífic0 so within the framework of the Constitution.
On the other hand, University of Barcelona in the statement announcing the end of the liturgy until they seek ways to ensure the safety of believers, says he will do his best to "preserve the exercise of fundamental rights (such as the right to freedom religion and worship) and the right to free expression. " And it seems that talking about freedom of expression means freedom for the "progressive students" of snacking on the shrine and insulting the priest and the faithful.
One, of course, it chills the blood at the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress and freedom. Faced with this double standard tolerance / intolerance. And it is not only sing a requiem for the old Europe and self-mutilation, which towards the abyss, while, yes, let your ears flatter even the musicians from the deck, repeating over and over again: "peace, progress, tolerance, i + d + i".
Friday, January 7, 2011
6 Inch Newtonian Reflector Telescope Black

Food, coffee and walk to T, which I see after five months of Erasmus. Four hours of quiet conversation, without haste, with nothing scheduled for later.
feels good to have friends without borders. It's nice Friday afternoon. It's nice to escape from prison so many times we are building with the clock, locking up our souls in excel sheets into squares.
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