remember Santa Sofia with fresh rigor. Never a monument meant so much to me, in essence, and my hobbies. Anguita outside or Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin the distant crystal Turkey few seek a building that I have such reverence and admiration. Yes, I say well, for today Santa Sophia is Turkish, as once it was Byzantine. Is the time who has given me the opportunity to meet, to even see it in person, why should I deny its value performative, and stay
with stale and past? Santa Sofia is something "at present", and another thing "in thought."

Opposite the Blue Mosque is nothing more than her older sister, a great and ancient temple. In the imagined is the temple he saw some of the most important events of history, and some of their authors. No need to be Greek or Turkish to love those walls. Just enough to love their past experiences, and styles that she was dressed elegantly beautiful as . Santa Sofia is one of the great landmarks in history, a monument to live up to anyone who has already built or in the future can. Key current thinking that Santa Sofía is Byzantine is a half fulfilled. Santa Sofia think belongs to Greek culture and imagination, down to policy issues.
Like it or not, the walls have no feelings or psyches, just shapes. The settings that reaches us is the current product of necessity course of time and the different influences that have fallen on "thing." Santa Sofia is Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman Turkish. Santa Sofia is a melting pot, which the Mosque of Cordoba, a place that has borne the brunt, and the heritage of Arabian cultures and civilizations .
The sensations are psychological reactions to physical elements. "Building" is what actually exists, "seen" is actually lived. We tend to confuse dimensions that never had hope reconciled are simple prisms will ever greater link than ourselves. Hence wanting to impose identities is an aberration, a failure, as each felt for each building, for example, something different.
is incorrect to say that Istanbul is Constantinople , city "quasi heaven" for the Greek historical aspirations. Defender otherwise is to promote conflict, as they do, almost by definition, nationalism . Personal identity, that somehow make him " turcófilo " to a server, can not travel over into a unique and generic. Group identities, if they exist, are merely sums of individual , statistical results, in no small measure, just to show simple generic data (such as love for a drink or a preference for a type of music .) Defender
the "Hellenic " Santa Sofia is stripped of its minarets , repositioning mosaics, which for historical reasons, we were caught. This implies conflict, violence, and therefore, something "outrageous" in minds healthy and balanced . The problem often lies in pretending to have a "historical identity" as always and inevitably, there is "dynamic." Everyone identifies with their experiences, their past visits, their loved ones and their hobbies. There are no common tastes beyond the statistics. We are all different in thought, simply because of chance, only really proven metaphysical force.
It is written here, in great part by what I dream to see again, hopefully on several occasions, Santa Sofia . These are the internal forces that lead me to love this ancient temple as other buildings nearby. My tastes, my hobbies, my experiences and I approach her dreams sometimes. Santa Sofia verily I use of metaphor. Had I not had the story has, I had not come to her.
Past are tools for the study, to enrich, but never tight constraints for change and progress against the Future. Personal identities are changing, everyone has their own, personal, nontransferable, any attempt to change it will be useless, any attempt to impose it will be brutal.